How do you spend your mornings? Do you wake up and reach for your phone and start answering work emails? Do you troll social media? Do you have more than one phone like I did? I can, with certainty, answer yes to at least one of those questions. But let’s change up our mornings for a bit and try something different. Let’s start our day by being grateful and writing down our daily affirmations.
Attitude Of Gratitude
Do you want more from your life? More happiness? Better health? Deeper relationships? Increased productivity? What if I told you that all of these can be achieved by starting your morning with 3 easy steps. Each step is designed to give you an attitude of gratitude because it is only when you are grateful for what you have, can you achieve a new level of awesome in all aspects of your life.
Let’s just jump right into it. Before you start these steps, you will need a writing utensil and a journal (or any piece of paper).
Step 1
Write down “What I Will Do:” and list, at least, one thing that you will accomplish. It can be for that day or something in the future. The point is to be thankful for the opportunity and to get your mindset to abundance. Here are some ideas of what I write each morning:
- People that I will help. Family, friends or complete strangers.
- Any project or goal, whether work or hobby, that I will complete.
- A challenge or resolution that I will overcome.
Step 2
Write down “What I Have Done:” and list, at least, one thing that you have accomplished. It can be recent or something in the past. The point is to be thankful for the things that you have achieved and to get your mindset to abundance. Here are some ideas of what I write each morning:
- People that I have helped. Family, friends or complete strangers.
- Any project or goal, whether work or hobby, that I have completed.
- A challenge or resolution that I have overcome.
Step 3
Write down “What I’m Grateful For:” and list, at least, one thing that you are grateful for. It can be a person or a moment or anything you like. The point is to affirm your gratefulness on paper and to get your mindset to abundance. Here are some ideas of what I write each morning:
- People that are in my life. Friends, family or colleagues.
- My health. It is the most important thing in this world because without it, I cannot help anyone achieve their level of awesome!
- A trip or an experience that took your breath away.
It’s that simple! Now you can end it here or what I like to do is write a full journal entry after these affirmations. It helps me go into detail of who, why and what I’m grateful for. Below is an example of one of my entries:
What I Will Do: I will continue to bring you more amazing content on all aspects of health & wellness, mindset & heartset and spiritual intelligence.
What I Have Done: I’ve built this amazing platform to educate and inspire people to find their true life purpose.
What I’m Grateful For: I’m grateful for all of the people that support me in this life-enriching endeavor and to everyone that I can serve.
Want to know the 31 Benefits of Being Grateful? Check out this awesome page.
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